
Welcome to free guitar lessons - a place that will teach you to play various classic songs on your guitar, and provide you with all basic knowledge of guitar music theory. Here you can find videos, texts and tabs that will help you learn to play various songs and rock standards, and also help you learn some guitar basics, and theory! There are new lessons added every day! Hope we are useful to at least some of you because that is our main goal! ------------------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, May 26, 2007

- Guitar Theory - Open C Tuning

Here is the lesson about Open C Tuning. It will teach you some basics of how to play in open C Tuning...
For more info on Open C Tuning, visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_C_tuning
Below text lessons, you will have video lesson, to provide you with best learning experience!


Unknown said...

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Best regards,
Gabriel Fernandez

Jackson Thomas said...

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A Mungo said...

Open tuning really opens up the guitar to different wonderful sounds and achieving otherwise more difficult phrasing. Really useful technique to know. Guitar lessons London